Co-Scholastic Activities

Beyond pursuit of academics, we also focus on all round development of the Students. An array of co-curricular activities are organized for the students from classes I to X. This helps them develop their competitive spirit and camaraderie.

Co-curricular activities are conducted as an inter-house and intra-class competition. Some of the competition to name a few are patriotic song, poster making, mask making, Leaf collage, public speaking and storytelling etc.

Value education, Global Awareness Programme and School Cinema is continuing this academic year also.

With the regular clubs like Home Science, ECO Club, Interact, Dramatics, Band Club, Scouts & Guides for class VII to class X.

Students are encouraged to participate in Inter-school competitions. To name a few Model United Nations, Expressions, Inter-school Basket ball Tournament – SHS Hebbal, Inter-School Cricket Tournament.

Pre-school education is essential for our toddlers because it is the building block of the child’s elementary school education. It helps in laying down a healthy foundation for all round development of child.